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moxsie during the day, moxsie during the night

german people have fun:)

but WHERE were the many pretty skaty shoes???

no names and girls in boots and best cases nikes…:(( sad feet view

but, who said that u can’t dance on dnb without skateshoes?

hopefully no one… cause he wouldn’t be right.

deci  un crowd ft colorat: and this means toate felurile d oameni  cu toate felurile d stiluri. de la sexy skate girls, la emo chicks, geeks, machos, hip hoperi… hmmm..oare ce las afara? varste d toate felurile, but many kids…  si totzi astia au insumat un nr mai mare de 500:)

fain a? 2 stageuri – dnb and raggae = 2 incaperi full

un singur nume mare: Blame, si atata lume?

partyu asta o fost un exemplu bun ca lumea dak vrea, stie sa se distreze si stie si unde sa se distreze. si ca reclama e cam degeaba. nu tu flyere, nu tu afishe care sa impanzeasca orashu si sa faca eventu cunoscut, doar un crowd cu pofta de chef , care stie k in cube club se pot distra sambata seara. faina idee ai?

un singur headliner, intro si outro facut de dj locali … notting special for the special crowd from cluj…ai?:) noi suntem prea mofturosi.

lor le-a ajuns muzica buna sa faca concurs de cine isi arunca picioarele mai sus.

incendiar. s-o dansat d p la 12 ( numa atunci o inceput sa vina lumea) pana dimineatza..p la 6-7… si dansat…cum am zis, mad dnb, cu picioarele in suuuuuus!:) it was funny.

si muzica?? absolut great. for my taste and the crowds se pare. liquid dnb, like shlagare puse una dupa alta de blame, da mixate incat sa te faca sa nu te opresti: high contrast la greu + his own songs… s-a transpirat la greu. peretii din hol  sunt imbracatzi in cduri care erau totze “ude”

visualuri neinteresante, numele djilor si cateva sigle cu labelurile lu blame…si intoarse p toate partiile toata seara.

diferente imense intre partyurile d aici si cele d acas… nici o diferentza in ceea ce tzine de nivelu de distractie cand este la cote mari si la noi, da diferentza in ceea ce consta gradul de repetabilitate al acestuia…la noi tre sa fie ditai eventu, cu nume mari, multe si variate, visualuri superbe si variate, afishe cu sutele ca sa potzi makr spera ca sa vina lumea sa se distreze.

aici… e nevoie doar de loc si muzica buna…ca lumea se aduna… si petrece:) we should learn smt from this…

une mai pui ca cu  o seara inainte blame pusese si in leipzig, care e la o ora distanta, ceea ce dak s-ar fi intamplat in cj vs oradea sa fi compromis ambele partyuri…

in leipzig, orash mai mare, au fost mai putzin…in jur d 300 si muzica mult mai liquid…si totusi…

deci…crowdu face legea  ( crowd al unui orash de 250 d mii d loc – mai mic ca cluju…si cu o densitate a studentilor de… aprox 10 mii..nici de cum 100 d mii ca cluju…)

do the maths…

all in one: me very satisfied. de abia astept sa mai trec p acolo

How updated to coolness are U?

For those who know me)

it’s easy to understand the next pictures and comments. I love cool, strange, trendy, original, creative, out of the “turma”, emo, glam, punk, goth, harajuku, accesoriesed looks. hmmm… a little bit too much, right? how should i agree with only one term, when there are so many styles, and parts of styles that i like?

and for sure combine.

I don’t know if u know this scene queens, or if you know what the term means. I heard about them this days, from my pretty up to date soulmate girlie:) she spanked me by telling me she knows them for quite a while. ok. i researched, cause they caught my attention. and yeah. There are a lot of blogs with many pics of them. I’ll put some explanations too, make it interactive, and u’ll learn smt new too:)

Updating is now beginning


sceen queen – (too many deffinitions, but u’ll have a clue after reading some of it + the site is great when interested in new COOL urban stuff )

and now the EXAMPLES of such incredibly sweet, trendy, cool amazing queens ( i like them, wtf???:P)

Audrey Kitching

(my fav because of her pink hair maybe?


i do like her friend more, her face is prettyer, but no pink hair… you both rule!!!)


Audrey kitchingAudrey

www.skelanimals.com  audrey_and_a_skateboard1

She has her own site, a buzz site, with all kind of hot cool stuff, not really a fan of buzzez but u can check it out . And what else is cool about her? her car:) audrey_buzznet

Hanna Beth –

seems to be a good friend with Audrey:) audreykitching2-1 so they look alike (miss ya sylvia!!! we could be a nice pair of “cluj scene queens” like this 2 girls, we used to try at the parties:)


438408725_cf6ba6d485and of course they have their kings.

Buzz says smt about Panic… Panic at the disco. yep the cute emos. audrey should have dated, or is still dating Brandon Urie – if u’re curiouse about the buzz, just research it…i don;t really care who’s dating who. allthough, i love such “matching” pairs…


For more infos, just google this names. and check images, cause there are so manny… i can’t upload all of them…

audreykitching27 i really love this one. i wonder why… BLACK AND WHITE!!! checkerboard. plus pink hair.

yummy… so let’s rewind. what makes this girlies so espacially cool? at least in my eyes(, and some of you too:P)



you don’t have to have your own skelanimals brand, smiley girlie skulls, Smileyfaces, Hello Kitty of course + Betty BOOp, starz, hearts… common, u get the ideea

some fancy- funny, big eyeglasses are more than welcomed, in the club also:)) party lights might be disturbing…

heart-sunglasses patterns!! not only my obsession. checkerboards, starz, many little hearts, polka dots, animal prints… and so on. it depends on your imagination. and yes, you’re aloud to combinde them also.

am i forgetting smt? you already have the pictures, and your imagination. and if u have the courage, there are many nuances of pink that could look nice on your hair also. i went with purple again 🙂

happy google-ing and hopefully u’re ready to update to this kind of coolness.

i guess this is  a field where u can really copy fashion styles, u’ll never be the same anyway. and if u have more ideeas than what u see around u, make them happen!!! we’re young. life is already fuckin boring and sad, angry, stressed, why not add some color to it?


hints for google researches: Betsy johnson (designer)

Jac Vanek, jeffree Star, harajuku style, girls…